Weight Loss Program

The Weight Loss Program is a



Highly Effective

4 Week program which

Includes a 5-day accelerator weight loss system.



I decided to commit to the Weight Loss program because I felt it was different than all the other food restriction diets I’ve been on in the past. 

Prior to doing the cleanse I had a hard time getting up in the morning, brain fog most of the day, and sugar cravings all the time. I liked the Get Clean program because it made me accountable for my actions, and the system was very straight forward and easy to follow. 
I learned that there is much more to weight loss than just cutting calories, my whole body feels lighter now, less puffy, and I’m back at the gym and able to accomplish much more in my day, which is all important to me, as a busy entrepreneur. 
I feel more balanced and do not crave sugars like I used to, I decided to stick to the support program longer than 3 weeks because of all these positive changes I was seeing and feeling


I have done the cleanse several times, to treat a variety of symptoms. Chronic fatigue and daily migraines were the first drivers. The last time was driven by a general unhealthy feeling with unsteadiness in my balance and unusual sensations in my head.
The process was a challenge but nothing compared to the prospect of not feeling 100%. The program was very well laid out so it was very clear and easy to enact the steps of the process.
I simply felt amazing! 

The cleanses addressed all of my symptoms as well as reducing other joint / muscle pains that I had experienced. My daily bowel health improved significantly as well.
I’m probably the healthiest male in the neighbourhood and I’m approaching 60. 
By doing the cleanses, it also reset my focus on good eating habits and an overall healthy lifestyle 
I now plan to do this process on a yearly basis!


5 days of nutritional “feasting”, gives your digestive system a break and a chance to re-charge your metabolism. Cleansing your body of toxicity will maximize energy and speed up your end goal of ultimate health!

Are you ready for a proven system with:


-Weekly Support From Licensed Naturopathic Doctors
-Complete 3 Step Process, Guidelines & Recipes
-Continual Support from Inside Health
– Fresh, Organic Cold Pressed Juices On Fasting Days
– Organic Therapeutic Teas
– Daily Digestive and Phytonutritional Support

VALUED AT $349.00

1 - 2 - 3 Step Program

STEP #1:
- You're going to read through, and watch the welcome videos for the program
- Wait for your detox package to arrive (or pick up in clinic)
- Grocery shop for "allowed foods" and prepare meals from fat burning meal plans made for you each week.


- You're going to watch and follow tools given in each module weekly.
- Prepare for accelerator weight loss week - Utilize soup recipes for these 5 days.
- Pick up green juices at Inside Health, the week of your 5-day cleanse, or ask about delivery options.


This is your Transition period; Days 6 & 7, where you reintroduce solid foods from the recipes provided and allowed foods list.
Then you'll have 3 additional weeks of support eating guidelines (food list, recipes, sample meal plan, and supplement guide provided) to continue your success.

VALUED AT $699.00

Daily Digestive and Phytonutritional Support
& Organic Therapeutic Teas


Clean Fibre - anti-inflammatory bowel formula which helps promote regular bowel movements by strengthening muscle tone within the colon.  Ingredients include herbs to strengthen the integrity of the colon wall and optimize long term bowel function:  Psyllium Husks (Whole), Psyllium Seed Powder, Potassium Bicarbonate, Burdock, Apple Pectin, Flax Seed, Marshmallow Root 4:1, Ginger Root, Slippery Elm Bark, & Fennel Seed.

Clean Greens- powerful cleanser and detoxifier, this combination will also increase energy and nourish fat burning organs:  Chlorella, Spirulina (specialty grade), Alfalfa Leaf, Rose Hips, Red Beet Root, Broccoli Powder, Spinach Powder, Iodine (from Kelp)

Clean Digestive - decrease gas and bloating by helping break down food and inflammation in the body. Powerful digestive enzymes, such as protease, amylase, lipase, papain, bromelain, invertase, DPP4, are all used to enhance absorption of vital nutrients.

Clean Aminos - Plant based, gluten and dairy free protein supplement in an easily digestible form, important for proper liver detoxification, energy and metabolism.  Protein (from sprouted organic ingredients) play a critical role in liver detoxification, hormone production, energy, metabolism, and muscle growth.

Clean Bowels - gentle bowel regulator, eliminates toxicity and gases within the colon.  Gentle ingredients, such as aloe vera, prune powder, rhubarb root and magnesium, which result in movements without discomfort. 

Organic Therapeutic Teas - Daily metabolism boosting loose leaf teas are clinically blended to gently encourage your bodies natural toxin elimination process. Without the use of laxatives, these herbs are used to cleanse and reduce excess bloat.

VALUED AT $250.00

Fresh, Organic Cold Pressed Juices 

The highlight of the program - ALL drinks are MADE FOR YOU!   Large amounts of alkalinizing greens will not only help flush toxicity, but will also provide easily digested vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are geared towards supporting all your organ systems, including liver and thyroid - our main detoxification and hormone regulating organs/gland.

VALUED AT $129.00

Dry Skin Brush & Enema Kit

Dry skin brushing Improves lymphatic circulation and swelling in the body.  Our skin is our largest detox organ, so helping our skin regenerate through brushing enhances our detoxification end results.

Coffee enemas are used to enhance liver and gallbladder function. These organs are responsible for fat metabolism, allowing toxicity to effectively be eliminated through bile acids and fat.  Also aids in your bodies own production of glutathione to maximize antioxidant production, and to regulate bowel movements.

Prior to the cleanse, I was feeling bloated, I was a little over my normal BMI, and my skin was irritated; the cleanse was not easy per say , but it was absolutely worth the results. 

I really enjoyed how healthy and clean I felt when taking my supplements and drinking tons of veggie juices and water. I was never hungry during the cleanse because I was getting nutrients from the various liquids I drank every hour or so, which greatly helped me through the process.

After the cleanse, I felt lighter and my skin was so clear, I had lost about 5 pounds and I felt great.
This cleanse was definitely the break that my body was begging for!


What Is A Complete Cleanse Worth To You?

Weight Loss
Increased Energy
Clearer Skin
Better Digestion
Improved Mood
Less Anxiety





I have always lived a healthy and active lifestyle, however, I find about 2 times a year, I start to feel run down, sluggish, put on excess weight around my abdomen. (typically after travelling, or the holiday seasons). 

I like the GET CLEAN program because it is full of nutrition and fuel that I know my body needs, therefore, I commit myself to this program 2-3 times a year to get back on track, and return to feeling my best

After the 5 days of the accelerator week, I lose the excess weight, and find my energy and mind are at its sharpest.



Q: How does the program work?
A: Once you have finalized your payment you will be emailed the program manual.
All of your content for the program is ready for you. You will wait for your detox package to arrive with all of your nutritional support.
Q:  What if I don't live near Inside Health Clinic?
A:  We are happy to ship your packages to you.
Q: Will I lose weight?
A: Weight loss is anywhere from 0-3 lbs per day, depending on the health of your body, state of digestive system and inflammation.
Q: What if I can't fast / "feast" for 5 days?
A: This program provides tonnes of nutrition each day, that you should not feel hungry during this period. However the program can be modified, while still achieving fantastic results. 
Q: Are there any symptoms of detoxing?
A: Yes, this is normal and everyone reacts differently to cleanses. This is why we have incorporated a 3 day 'prep program' to ensure your body is eased into the cleanse and you have minimal side effects. Some symptoms may be: fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, sugar cravings; which typically are gone after the first 2 days.
Questions I didn't answer?
please reach out: lori.naturopath@gmail.com